Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Helping at Home

A lot of parents have asked me what they can do to help their kindergartener at home.  I thought I'd make a post with some ideas of things you can do at home to help reinforce what we are doing in school!  If you have any additional ideas, please leave them in the comments section below. :)

While you are driving down the road, shopping in the store, or even looking for something to eat in your pantry or fridge, ask your child to point and name letters they see.  Ask them to look for a certain letter.  Ask them if they are uppercase or lowercase and if they know the sound or sounds they make!

Ask your child to count with you to see how long it takes to do household chores or activities, like putting away the dishes, making the bed, brushing teeth etc.

Practice tying shoes!!

Ask your child to look for numbers as you go shopping, drive around, or even see if they can recognize numbers around your home.

Practice sorting with coins, toys, collections, silverware, food items, clothing, leaves, etc.  Ask your child to count and name each pile after sorting.

Survey your family, friends or neighbors about their favorite things and display the results in the form of a pictograph or bar graph.  Use words like, more, less, and equal when you discuss the results.

Practice naming and counting coins.

Use an analog and digital clock to begin practicing how to tell time.  Show your child the clock at key times such as bed time, dinner time, or the time you typically leave for school or a weekly event.

Point out symbols used in our everyday environment and explain their meanings.

Discuss the weather daily, including the temperature each day. Ask your child to look at the picture forecast in the newspaper to tell you what the weather might be like tomorrow or later this week.

Ask your child to help you make lists for shopping, daily events and activities, things they need to do, or favorite things. Encourage them to listen to the sounds in the word and try to write as many letters as they hear!

Practice saying or singing the days of the week and months of the year.

Make patterns with household objects and ask your child to describe the pattern.  Point out patterns you see in your home or everday environment.

Take a walk and discuss the season and what you hear, smell, taste, feel and see during this time of the year. 

Do you have any other ideas?  Have you tried any of these yet?

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