Here's a mid week update on what we've been up to in Kindergarten.
First, we want you to know how much we love this new website:
It's totally non- print so it's perfect for kids who aren't reading yet. It might be confusing for adults but the Kindergarteners LOVE it. We went to the computer lab today and were totally engrossed in trying new things.
Today, Dr. Grossman, our ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) teacher came to the class to co-teach with me today. She did a lesson on friendship and being kind to others. After she read us a story, we made a friendship web. Basically we passed yarn to our classmates and practiced saying nice things to each other. At the end, it was a rainbow spiderweb of happiness.
We have a few new math centers this week. We are working on counting and numbers. Here's a picture of someone's fabulous counting.
We also have a fun new sorting center with pictures of monsters! We can sort them by how many eyes they have, their color, or if they have teeth or not!
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